A frenectomy removes small bands of tissue and is performed to increase the range of motion of the tongue or remove a gap between the front teeth.
What is a Frenectomy?
A frenectomy is a procedure performed by an oral surgeon to reduce the size of a frenum in the mouth. Your mouth contains two types of frenums: a lingual frenum, which connects the base of the tongue to the floor of the mouth, and a labial frenum, which connects the gum to the upper lip. If these bands of tissues are too long, too wide, or improperly developed, they may cause problems eating, speaking, or swallowing.
The goal of a frenectomy is to reduce the size of the frenum to free the tongue or allow for normal function of the tongue or lips. Dr. Glosenger will precisely cut the soft tissue.
Problems a Frenectomy Can Solve
By ensuring the frenums in the mouth are the correct size, the patient can properly clean the mouth, prevent tissue damage, eat and speak normally, and much more. A frenectomy can:
Correct problems like being tongue-tied or lip-tied. These are names for conditions where the tongue or lips cannot move properly, resulting in poor speech and difficulty swallowing.
Help infants who have difficulty nursing due to an improperly formed labial frenum.
Alleviate pain or discomfort.
Prevent periodontal, or gum, disease by allowing for proper cleaning of the gums.
Assist with tongue thrust treatment.
Assist with bite misalignments due to poorly developed frenums.
If you or your child need treatment for any of the issues above or have been referred to our office for a frenectomy, we invite you to contact North Dakota Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center at your earliest convenience. Dr. Glosenger and his staff are highly trained professionals who look forward to providing you and your loved ones with exceptional oral surgery care.